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Informing How Place Can Drive Growth

GC Insight works with the place-making, infrastructure and property sectors to provide economic and social advice on the impact and benefits of development to help drive sustainable growth in urban and rural communities.

We help developers to secure planning consent for their schemes by making the economic and social case for development, assessing the demand for employment land, and helping unlock investment to improve town and city centres through anchor assets, quality connections and attractive public spaces.

Our team also provides research and analysis to help deliver the digital and transport infrastructure needed to better connect places and people to clients, suppliers and markets. 

GC Insight helps clients to bring forward place-based investments in property and infrastructure that secure positive returns and helps to drive impacts locally and nationally.


  • Strategy, investment and masterplan inputs for places, sites and infrastructure
  • Social and economic impact assessments, benefit statements, socio-economic ES chapters
  • Health Impact Assessments (HIA), health ES chapters, Equalities Impact Assessments (EqlA)
  • Social value strategies and social impact assessments
  • Social and Community Infrastructure (SCI) assessments
  • Employment and land reviews and demand assessments
  • Expert witness
  • Deal development and business cases
  • Programme design, review and evaluation for place-based programmes
  • Place-making advice
  • Project advisory support

Get in touch

If you would like to talk through your project, contact Margaret Collins, Director of Place, at


Case Studies