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About Winning Moves

Founded in 1995, Winning Moves offers two core and complementary services. We began with our flagship benchmarking platform, Benchmark Index®, which offers robust and evidence-based insights to help businesses grow. Continually innovating, we have expanded to meet demand by introducing a suite of fully customisable, customer-centric diagnostic tools for business support organisations. Today, Benchmark Index is now a standard-bearer in benchmarking, having supported more than 500,000 businesses in 46 countries on five continents.

The company’s mission is to inform and enable better tomorrows through digital, data and knowhow. This means helping organisations make decisions with better economic, environmental and social outcomes, through research, evaluation, expert advice and intelligent digital tools.

Winning Moves' Mission Statement

Backed by this experience in data and software solutions, Winning Moves also provides digital consultancy to business support organisations to help SMEs increase productivity, efficiency and resilience.

In 1996, Winning Moves acquired Data Build, a research and evaluation (R&E) firm. Since then it has become a leading provider of the design and delivery of robust research and evaluation for organisations looking to bring about positive change for society. Our trusted team of research and evaluation experts create actionable insight using a broad spectrum of R&E methodologies tailored to each client’s need. We partner with national and local government agencies, non-profits and private entities to help changemakers use robust evidence to make better decisions.

Winning Moves joined Growth Company in 2023 to expand and enrich its offering by joining with the Growth Company and ekosgen, a first class research and consultancy business. As explained on this website, the combined companies, now called Growth Company Insight, offer a wide breadth of services and expertise in research and advisory work. The move also allows the company to grow by remaining true to its mission, ethos and values, which are shared across the three companies.


Winning Moves has two established teams that are now parts of the GC Insight group offer:

Research & Evaluation: Our practitioners design and deliver robust research and intelligent and insightful analysis for organisations looking to bring about positive change for society. We help answer complex, challenging and high-profile policy questions across a range of domain areas, blending detailed sector knowledge, in-depth understanding of relevant policies and specialist technical expertise.

Performance Improvement: Using digital tools and diagnostics, alongside a team of experts to provide offline and digital solutions to support local businesses.


How can we help you?

0121 285 3800